♦ Salt River Walk – (Ref #305)
I only have one walk planned in December, as experience tells me that there are too many distractions in the month (Christmas & New Year mainly).
If you would like a lunch or tapas after the walk please let me know by the 3rd Dec and I will organise something. I shall be going to the pub anyway! :-)
This walk is an old favourite, but if I get the chance to do the necessary reconnaissance before hand I will introduce a variation for the benefit of those who have done it before.
This walk, on Friday, the 5th December, will start from the car park at the foot of Monte Alto at 10.00 and will take about 2 hr 30 min. For those who do not know, or are unsure, of the departure car park you may meet me on the outskirts of Hondón de los Frailes, on the CV-843 (denk dat het CV-873 moet zijn, zie onderaan de tekst) Albatera road at 9.30 and we will go in convoy or share cars as appropriate. This walk falls into our published moderate classification, because the overall height gain exceeds 200m (218m) but it is no more difficult overall than last Friday’s walk.
However, we do walk in parts of a river bed, so waterproof boots are recommended. (If you don’t have waterproof walking boots, you could always carry a pair of wellies to use on the wet stretches.) Yes an actual river with a small amount of running water! :-)
Details: Moderate to Easy
This walk is a Moderate end of easy / easy end of moderate depending on your perspective!
The Salt River walk, only just over 6Km with a height gain of 218m, but it feels like more when you have done it; nevertheless a very rewarding walk, one of our best, with ever changing scenery and geology. Good unmade roads, rough tracks, walking in old aqueducts, a bit of a scramble and a river bed between the Nacimientos de sal and the Baron Negro and then a fairly long climb out of the baranca after we have visited the Baron Negro to take us back to the cars. If you don’t know what a Nacimientos de Sal or a Baron Negro is then come along and find out…!
♦ The Rendezvous (RV)
Please RV as follows, but if you are unsure, meet me on the CV-873 exit from HDLF toward Alabatera at 9.30, just past the new Theatre on the way out of the village towards Albatera.
Drive in: From the CV-873, Hondón de los Frailes to Albatera, turn right onto the canal road in the direction of La Murada, West, between Kms 4 and 5 stones; take this road carefully, watching out for high sleeping policemen, potholes and narrow places. Continue until you pass the sluice gate and turn right over Bridge 24. Continue on this road, which is in variable condition for some 3 Km until you come to a parking place, where the asphalt stops. Be there to depart at 10.00 prompt! :-)
Other News …
Between now and the end of the year I will get together with our other walk leaders and knock out a programme for the new year, so bear with me a bit on that.
I only have one walk planned in December, as experience tells me that there are too many distractions in the month (Christmas & New Year mainly).
If you would like a lunch or tapas after the walk please let me know by the 3rd Dec and I will organise something. I shall be going to the pub anyway! :-)
This walk is an old favourite, but if I get the chance to do the necessary reconnaissance before hand I will introduce a variation for the benefit of those who have done it before.
This walk, on Friday, the 5th December, will start from the car park at the foot of Monte Alto at 10.00 and will take about 2 hr 30 min. For those who do not know, or are unsure, of the departure car park you may meet me on the outskirts of Hondón de los Frailes, on the CV-843 (denk dat het CV-873 moet zijn, zie onderaan de tekst) Albatera road at 9.30 and we will go in convoy or share cars as appropriate. This walk falls into our published moderate classification, because the overall height gain exceeds 200m (218m) but it is no more difficult overall than last Friday’s walk.

Details: Moderate to Easy
This walk is a Moderate end of easy / easy end of moderate depending on your perspective!
The Salt River walk, only just over 6Km with a height gain of 218m, but it feels like more when you have done it; nevertheless a very rewarding walk, one of our best, with ever changing scenery and geology. Good unmade roads, rough tracks, walking in old aqueducts, a bit of a scramble and a river bed between the Nacimientos de sal and the Baron Negro and then a fairly long climb out of the baranca after we have visited the Baron Negro to take us back to the cars. If you don’t know what a Nacimientos de Sal or a Baron Negro is then come along and find out…!
♦ The Rendezvous (RV)
Please RV as follows, but if you are unsure, meet me on the CV-873 exit from HDLF toward Alabatera at 9.30, just past the new Theatre on the way out of the village towards Albatera.
Drive in: From the CV-873, Hondón de los Frailes to Albatera, turn right onto the canal road in the direction of La Murada, West, between Kms 4 and 5 stones; take this road carefully, watching out for high sleeping policemen, potholes and narrow places. Continue until you pass the sluice gate and turn right over Bridge 24. Continue on this road, which is in variable condition for some 3 Km until you come to a parking place, where the asphalt stops. Be there to depart at 10.00 prompt! :-)
Other News …
Between now and the end of the year I will get together with our other walk leaders and knock out a programme for the new year, so bear with me a bit on that.
Info op de website https://hondonwalkinggroup.wordpress.com/2014/11/25/december-2014-walks/
Bijkomende info over deze wandeling: https://hondonwalkinggroup.wordpress.com/2014/11/30/update-for-next-fridays-walk-5-dec-2014/