Hello, to anyone interested in Hill Walking in and around our lovely Valley

on how fast the group moves, the pace of the slowest walker, and
assuming that we get going again after the half hour break I estimate
somewhere between 2 and 3 hours. This walk will be on Friday, the 15th
of September and we will set off from the Rendezvous (RV) point at
10.00am, sharp.
members of the Group have already been provided with details of the
walk and this message is really intended for new people who may like to
give us a try-out. If that is you, then please get in contact with
me: philipthewalker@fastmail.es
I will happily supply you with more information about the Group and
this walk, including how to find the RV. No special kit or boots
necessary, sensible shoes or walking sandals will suffice, but do please
bring your own water supply with you. Coming on this walk does not
imply any further commitment, if you want to join us that is fine, but
if you decide that our walks and not for you them that is equally fine.
you can't make this walk there will be another easy walk, but not quite
as easy as the social gathering on the 14th, on Friday, the 29th
September. If that interest you then please contact me and I will send
you the details for that walk.
Philip Woolford
HV Walking Group Founder
Group Blog: http://hondonwalkinggroup.wordpress.com/
Mob: 646 862 261